Sunday 13 February 2011

Sunday 13th February: Today I had to add lots of words to my word list so I could use it for my paragraphs. Today I finished 3 more paragraphs and all of y topic sentences. In total I have to write 10 paragraphs and that is a lot. I took home my paper and I am willing to try and finish it all including my paragraphs and my word list. I want to try and make my paragraphs really simple so I don't get a lot of pressure. I also found out while writing a few sentences for my Great wall of China paragraph that I haven't written anything about when the wall was made and that's because in each book there was a different answer so I relied on none.

Friday 11 February 2011

Thursday 10th February: Today we did not research but we began to work with the opening sentence to each paragraph. I at least have 9 paragraphs that is a lot. We had to choose topics that we researched on from our characteristics so I did from education inventions and writing system and more. So now I toke my paper home because I have lots of work to do on it. Next lesson I'm not sure what were going to do. Till now this project is becoming harder and I think to earn a 6,7 I have to concentrate more.

Monday 7 February 2011

Monday 7th February: Today I was doing lots of information about the ancient gods and about art and architecture. I learned about how they had to build buildings that have the same style as the other temples and homes This is how a temple in Ancient China would look like. I also searched up about there astronomy and about how they believed things using the stars. I also continued my word list and added lots of better complex words using the thesaurus.
Sunday 6th February: Today was our first day of using the internet. It was really limited but it was ok. I didn't use the internet that much because There internet was working that well so I began doing my word list. Its when we write down basic words and changed it to harder and more complected words. Im going to continue doing this next lesson.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Thursday 3rd February: Today I was writing down all the bibliographies that used in the past 3 days. Now I've got them all recorded on Q cards ready to use them for my presentation as bibliography. Today was also the last day for online resources so I tried to visit every site so Im sure that I've got the information that is needed. 

Sunday 30 January 2011

Monday 31st January: Today I didn't exactly know what I had to do because I think I finished and I looked at each online resource. I have many Art and Architecture and many education. Today I was researching more about the people I have 1 famous writer and 1 famous painter that is the  guy who drew the picture  in the picture. I wrote a few facts about the there religion and about how the ancestors could influence there gods in giving there families that on earth good or bad luck. Next lesson I'm going to have the last lesson with online resources so I might just check if i answered all of my guiding questions. These are the links that I used today:

  1. http://www.ancientchina.co.uk/menu.html
  2. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/116528/Chu
  3. http://online.culturegrams.com/famouspeople/country.php?&fp_CountryID=34
  4. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/254389/Hanlin-Academy
  5. http://www.mnsu.edu/emuseum/prehistory/china/map/map.html
  6. http://www.brainpop.com/socialstudies/worldhistory/greatwallofchina/

Saturday 29 January 2011

Sunday 30th January: Today I looked at many online Resources like Brain-pop. I learned s much about the Great wall of China and how and Why it was build. One of the online Resources was the British Museum and that was really useful because it allowed me to Discover more about the certain thing I was looking at.